Materials from the Earth: Woodcraft & Ceramics Showcase, The South Shore Cultural Center, April 28 - May 28, 2019

Touch Trophies II was an interactive community project hosted during my 2018-19 Artist-in-Residence at the Chicago Park District’s Athletic Field Park Ceramics Studio. The project asked students in youth, adult and special recreation classes to create a representation of a hand using clay. The final installation was exhibited at The South Shore Cultural Center as part of the spring Woodcraft & Ceramics Showcase.

Participating Artists: Adrienne Brooks, Alicia McNamara , Allen West, Allie Siffering, Arlene Barnes-Moten, Ava Carney, Avery Isa Meridith, Aya Baraket, Brooke Greene, Coraline Greene, Danielle Epps, David Duray, Donna Mohamed, Erika Duray, Esmee Mohamed, Gus Sobolak, Hili Bareket, Jada Dwawn Garner, Katie Clausen, Lill Tarnow, Lorraine Gatner, Maggie Clausen, Maxim Fotjik, Mia Fojtik, Molly Dinham, Olivia Hitomi, Piper Huizenga, Rianna Sprague, Sadie Huizenga, Sidney Dinham, Suzanne DeBauge, Tammy Lenart, Toby Huizenga, Tulsi Moralis-Johnson, Violet Cressler and others, Touch Trophies II, glazed ceramic, 2019, various sizes

Installation view, various artists, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes

Touch Trophies II, various artists , 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes

Installation view, various artists, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Detail, various artists, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Detail, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Detail, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Detail, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Detail, Touch Trophies II, 2019, raku glazed ceramic, various sizes
Installation view, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes
Installation view, Touch Trophies II, 2019, glazed ceramic, various sizes

Works-in-progress at the Athletic Field Park Ceramic Studio, Chicago, IL, Winter/Spring 2019

Youth ceramics, works in progress at the Athletic Field Park Ceramic Studio, Chicago, IL, 2019
Youth ceramics, works in progress at the Athletic Field Park Ceramic Studio, Chicago, IL, 2019
Works in progress at the Athletic Field Park Ceramic Studio, Chicago, IL, 2019